
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Rehearse Timing

1. On the Slide Show menu, click Rehearse Timings to start the show in rehearsal mode.
2. Click the advance button when you are ready to go to the next slide.
3. When you reach the end of the slide show, click yes to accept the timings or No to start over.

Set up show

Refer a Set up Show dialog box for advance setup.

Adding clip Art to Slide
A collection of drawings, photographs, sounds, videos and other media files shared with Office application, contained in the Microsoft Clip Organizer. There are tow ways to add Clip art to presentation.
1. One way is by selecting one of the slide layouts that includes a content placeholder with instructions to open the Microsoft Clip art to Organizer to add content. You will now add clip art to slides. When the button is double clicked in the content placeholder, it activates the instructions to open the Select Picture dialog box. This helps you to search for clips, through the use of keywords.
2. Another way is by clicking on the insert Clip Art button on the Drawing toolbar or / insert />/Picture / > Clip Art…/ to open the Insert Click Art task pane. The Insert Click Art task pane allows you to search for clips by using descriptive Keywords.

About smart tads
A "smart tag" is a type of button in Microsoft Power Point 2002 that appears after certain actions, such as an automatic text correction or a copy-and -paste, have taken place. The button has a menu of options that help you control the result or the action. For instance, if PowerPoint automatically capitalizes the first letter of a word, but you want the word lowercased in this instance, you can click the

"undo capitalization" option on the button menu to reverse the action. can either do /Double Click/ on it or/

Inserting, moving and sizing a click
After inserting clips, you can either do /Double Click/ on it or/ Right click/>/Format Picture/ .Go to /Size tab and do necessary changes.
Simply, move your mouse pointer over any nodes or edit points or handles of the place-holder around clip and drag it when resizing arrow appears. Press /Shift/ while dragging for constraint proportion

Importing chart from Microsoft Excel
1. Click on /insert />/Chart…/
2. Switch to Datasheet View.
3. Click on /Edit />/import file / The import dialog box appears.
4. Locate your excel file and click on open.
5. Select the sheet you want to import from the import data options.
Do one of the following:
a. Click on radio button of entire sheet under import in order to import all the data on the worksheet.
b. To import part of the data, click on Range and then type the range of data you want eg . a 1:b8
6. Click ok and finally click on blank area of the file.

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