
Thursday, December 24, 2009


Cyber law

The term “cyberspace” was used in 1984 by author William Gibson in his scientific novel ‘Necromancer’ to describe virtual world of computer such as the internet, computers, computer network, telecommunication etc. today, cyberspace has become synonymous with the internet, however, cyberspace is know as the www (world wide web). The cyberspace is governed by a system of law and regulation called cyber law. So, the cyber law is defined as: “The law which governs the legal issued in the cyberspace regarding the internet or www (world wide web) for digital data processing and transaction.

Legal recognition of e-commerce practices has come a long way from the initial adoption of the united Nations commission on international Trade law (UNCIRAL) Model law on Electronic commerce by the General Assembly of the united Nations in early 1997.

Cyber law includes a wide variety of legal issues related to the use of communication technology, such as the use of internet as well as any other from of computer, digital processing and related devices. The major components included in the cyber law are:

1. Electronic and Digital signature law
2. Computer crime/cyber crime law
3. Intellectual property law
4. Data protection and privacy law
5. Telecommunication law

Restore your computer

If you are experiencing problems with your computer, you can use the system Restore Feature to return your computer to a time before the problems occurred. For example, if your computer dose not works properly after you install a program, you can restore your computer to a time before you installed the program.
To restore your computer
To restore your computer, follow the procedures mentioned below:
1. Click start to display the start menu.
2. Click programs to view a list of the programs on your computer.
3. Follow Accessories> System tools> system Restore. the system Restore wizard appears as shown in figure below.
4. The area displayed in above dialog box provides information about the system restore feature. Click" Restore my computer to an earlier time" option to restore your computer to a time before any problems occur.
5. Click Next to continue which will depict you following dialog box.
6. Now follow the rest of the instructions as you go through subsequent dialog boxes.

Magnifier overview

Magnifier is a display utility that makes the screen more readable for users who have impaired vision. Magnifier creates a separate window that displays a magnified portion of your screen. You can also change the color scheme of the magnification window for easier visibility. You can move or resize the Magnifier windows, or drag it to the edge of the screen and lock it into place. Magnifier is intended to provide a minimum level of functionality for users with slight visual impairments.
Starting Magnifier
· To open / Magnifier/, click/ Start/, point to/ Programs/, point to / accessories /> /Accessibility/, and then click/ Magnifier/.
· You can use the /Run/ dialog box of the start menu to open Magnifier, type /Magnify/, and then press/Enter/.
Notes: An easy and fast way to use /Narrator/ and/ or /Magnifier/ is to press the Windows logo key// +/U/. the Narrator is set to start by default when Utility Manager starts. However, the Narrator may not start if your computer dose not has text- speech program capability.
On - Screen Keyboard
on- Screen Keyboard is a utility that displays a virtual Keyboard on the screen and allows users with mobility impairments to type data using a pointing device or joystick. on -Screen keyboard is intended to provide a minimum level of functionality for users with mobility impairments.
To start on- screen Keyboard, follow/Start/ >/ programs/>/Accessories/>/ Accessibility/>/ on Screen Keyboard/.and, it displays on- Screen Keyboard on your computer screen.
To add a new fonts to your computer
To add a new fonts to your computer, do the following:
1. Open fonts in control panel.
2. on the file menu of Fonts dialog box, click net all New font.
3. in Drives, click the drive where the backup font files are stored.
4. in Folders, double- click the folder that contains the fonts you want to add.
5. In list of fonts, click the font you really want to add.
a. To add all of the listed fonts, click Select All button.
b. to select the sequential Fonts, click a font and press and hold the Shift key while a clicking another font.
c. To select non- sequential fonts use the ctrl key while selecting.
6. Finally click Ok button to start installation.

Narrator overview

Narrator is a text -to speech utility for users who are blind or have impaired vision. Narrator reads what is displayed on your screen: the contents of the active window, menu options, or the text you have typed., WordPad, control panel programs, Internet Explorer, the Windows desktop, and Wind owes steup.Narrater may not read words aloud correctly in other programs. Narrator has a number of options that allow you to customize the way screen elements are read.
· You can have new windows, menus, or shortcut menus read aloud when they are displayed.
· You can have typed characters read aloud.
· You can have the mouse pointer follow the active item on the screen.
· You can adjust the speed, volume, or pitch of the voice.
The accessibility tools that ship with Windows are intoned to provide a minimum level of Functionality for users with special needs. Most users with disabilities will need utility programs with more advanced functionality for daily use open Narrator.
Starting Narrator
· To open Narrator, click / Start/, point to/ All Programs/ or / Programs/, point to/ accessories/ >/ Accessibility/, and then click / Narrator /.
· To open Narrator you can use the /Run/ dialog box of the start menu, type/ narrator/, and then press/ ENTER/.
a- Select the check boxes you need to apply .
b- click on the/ voice/ button to chose different options such as voice speed, voice, pitch etc.
c- click/ Exit/ to stop and exit from the Narrator.
Note: /Narrator/ is not available for all languages and is only Supported on the English version of Windows XP.

Choose a power scheme

A power scheme is predefined collection of power options. Choose a power scheme to apply setting that fit the way you use your computer, or use one as a starting point for creating your own personalized power scheme.
To choose a power scheme
1. Open / power option/ in / control panel/. (/Star/>/contra panel/, and the than double- click /power options/)
2. Under / power schemes/, select the power scheme you want. The power setting you see will change depending on the power scheme you choose. Power options may very widely from computer to computer.
Standby it state in which your monitor and hard disks turn off, so that your computer uses less power. When you want to use the computer again, it comes out of standby quickly, and your desktop is restored exactly as you left it. Use standby to save power when you will be away from computer for a short time while working. Because Standby does not save your desktop agate to disk, a power failure while on standby can cause you to lose unsaved information.
Hibernate When you put your computer into hibernation, everything in computer memory is saved on your hard disk, and your computer is switched off. When you turn the computer back on, all programs and documents that were previously opened get automatically opened.
The keyboard is the input device of the computer system. it is used the send the typing.
To adjust the key repeat rate
1. open /Keyboard/ in /control panel/.
2. On the/ spend/ tab, make changes as follows:
a. to adjust the amount of time that elapses before characters repeat when you hold down a key. Drag the/ Repeat delay/ slider.
b. To adjust how quick characters repeat when you hold down a key, drag the /Repeat.

Desktop them overview

Desktop them overview
A desktop theme is a Predefined set of icon, Fonts, Colors, sounds, and other window elements that give your Desktop a unified and Distinctive look. You can switch themes, create your own them by changing a theme and then saving it with a new name, or restore the traditional Wind wows classic look as your themes.
If you modify any element of a , such ass your desktop background or screen saver, it is recommended that you save your change with a new themes name. if you modify your desktop and didn’t save your changes with a new name , your changes will be lost if you select a different them.
Use Display in control panel to select or save a them. the desktop items that are saved with a them are listed below:
· Desktop Background, Position , and cooler
· Desktop icons and sizes
· screen sever
· Appearance, Color schemes
· Windows and button and font size
· Mouse pointers Shame or individual pointers,
· Sound scheme and program event
To select a different theme
1. Open / display in/ Control panel/.
2. on the /theme / tab, under/theme/class a new them.
3. click on /apply/>Ok/.
Notes : themes affect the overall look of your desktop, including the background, screen saver, icons Windows mouse pointer and sound. if more then one person user computer, each with his or own user account, each person can choose a different theme.

Showing or hiding the desktop icons

Showing or hiding the desktop icons
You can hide or show the default icons of the desktop such as/ My computer/,/My Document/,/ My Network places/etc . using the "Display Properties" dialog box. Follow the following steps:
1. click on the empty area of the desktop and Select/ Properties/
2. In the/ Display prophetesses/dialog box, choose the /Desktop /tab.
3. Click on the /Customize Desktop/.It displays Desktop Items Dialog Box as box as below.
4. Deselect a check box in/ Desktop Icons /to hider or select a deselected icon to display.
5. click on /OK/>/Ok/
Note: To hide all the icons of the Desktop, right click on the empty area of the Desktop>/arrange icons/>/Show desktop icon/
Changing the icons of the Desktop
The default icon of the desktop, i.e/My computer/,/ My Document /,/ My network place /, / Recycle Bin/ can be changed as with an /.icon/icon file.
1. Click on the empty area of the Desktop and select/ properties/
2. in the/ Display Properties/ dialog box, choose the/Desktop/ tab.
3. click on the /Customize Desktop/
4. Select an icon, for instance,/My Computer/ in the list box and click on the/ change icon/ button.
5. In the / change icon / dialog box, select an icon or use the / Browse/ button for other icons.
6. click on /OK/>/OK/.

Change the Appearance of the windows

Change the Appearance of the windows
1. open /Display/in/ control panel/,
2.on the / Appearance/ tab Select the desired option for/ Window and buttons/,/ Color Scheme/, and/ Font size/
or you can change the abetting of the individual elements of the windows. for that look the Following heading and process:
To change the look of Window elements
1. Open / Display/in/ Control Panel/
2.On the /Appearance tab, click/advanced/.
3. In the item list, click the element you want to change, such as / Window/, /Menu/, or /Scrollbar/, and then adjust the appropriate setting, such as /color/, /font/ or/ Font size/.
4. click /OK/or/Apply/to save/your changes.
Notes: changing the look of individual items is only useful if you select Windows classic In the Windows and buttons list on the Appearance tab. If you select a different option, the themes Determines the appearance of your menus, fonts, icons, and other Window elements.
To arrange your desktop icons
1. Right- click the desktop.
2. point to Arrange icons by, and then click one of the commands on the submenu, as explained below.
Name: arrange icons in alphabetical order by the icon name.
Size : Arrange icons in order of file size. If the icon is a shortcut to a program, the size refers to the size of the shortcut file.
type: arrange icons in order of type. for example, if you have shortcuts to several Power point presentations on your desktop, these will be arranged next to each other.
Modified: arrange icon in the order that the shortcut was last modified.
Auto Arrange: Arrange the icons in Columns along the left size of your screen.
Align to Grid
Snap icons into place as designated by an invisible grid on your screen. the grid keeps the icon aligned with each other.
Show Desk tab icons.
Hide or show all desktop icons. When check, desktop icons are displayed.

To modefy a scheduled task

To modefy a scheduled task
To modify a scheduled task, you need to double click on the scheduled task ( Program name) and change the date/ time and other informatoin to be modified .
To Remove Scheduled task
To remove scheduled task, you can simply select the task(program or file name) on the / scheduled task/ window and press the / Delete / oon Keybord.
Compressing zip files
Zip files are " Archives" used for distributing and storing files. Zip files contion one or more files. Usually the files " archived' in a zip are Compressed to save space. Zip files make it easy to group files and make transporting and copying these files faster that saves time and space, and make downloading software and transferring e-mail attachments faster on the net.
To compress(zip) files
To compress or zip files or folders, do the following;
1. If you have many files to e zipped and want to add them in Single Zip files collect your files into a single folder.
2. Right- Click on the your folder ( or file) that you really need to compress and on the popup menu that appers point on /sent to/>/ Compressed(Zipped) Folder/.
3. the Selected file or Folder Will be Compressed within the same folder with same name.
Note: Check the file size of the zipped and narmal file/ folder.
To Uncompress(unzip) files
You can simply open the zipped folder and copy the required files/ folers and paste them in a new loction to reuse the compressed file.
or, to extract all files or folders; you need to right - click the compressed folder, and then click /Extract All/ . in the / compressed (Zippede) folders Extraction Wizard/, Specify where you want to store the extracted files and files and click on /Next/>/Finish/.
Controlling the Desktop

Show the click

Show the click
" show the clock" option displays a digital clock on the taskbar. the clock displays the time as specified by your computer's internet click. you can point to the clock to display the date, and you can also double- click the clock to adjust the time or date.
Hide inactive icons
Keeps the taskbar notificaion area from displaying unused icons.
Scheduling Tasks
You can schedule tasks to have Windows automatically run specific program, such as Disk cleanup, on a regular basic. Before scheduling a task,you must assingword toyour user accout. to have Windows run a program automatically, you will need to enter the password when scheduling the task.
To schedule a new task
To schedule a new task, you need to do the following:
1. Open Schedule a new tasks by click / start/> /Programs/>/ Accessories/>/ system Tools/>/
2. Double -click/ Add scheduled task/.
3.Click on / Next / button.
4. Select a program from the/ Application / list or you can use the/ Browes/ button to select your personal file or othor program.
5.click on /Next/ button and continus selecting the schedule Date and time.
6. Finally click on the /finish / dutton.
Note: Confirm that the system date and time on your computer are accurate, because Scheduled tasks relis on this information to run Scheduled tasks. you must supply the password for the account on which you want the scheduled task to run.

Lock the tasbar

Lock the tasbar
locks the taskbar at its current posintion on the deskop so that it cannot be moved to a new location and also locks the size and positon of any toolbar displayed on the taskbar so that it connet be changed.
Auto- hide the taskbar
Hides the taskbar. to redisplay the taskbar, point to the area of your screen where the taskbar is located.
Keep the taskbar on the top of other windows
Ensures that the taskbar is always visible, even when you run a program in a maximized (full- Screen) Window.
Show Quick Lunch
Displays the Quick Launch bar on the taskbar. the Quick Launch Bar is a cutomizable toolbar that lets you display the Windows Desktop or Start a program With a single click.
To change the different setting for the task bar open the /Taskbar and start Menu properties/ dialog by clicking the/ start/> / setting/>/ Control Panel / in the classic view or /start/> contral Panel/ in normal /Start Menu view.
Group similarTaskbar Buttons
Displays taskbar button for files Opened by the same program in the same area of the taskbar. in addition, if the taskbar becames so Crowded with Buttons that the widen of the Buttons shrinks beyond a creat widen, then the buttons for the same program are collapsed into a single button. Clicking the button lets you access the document you want. Right-clicking the button lets you close all the documents you want.

To add a subemenu to the start menu

To add a subemenu to the start menu
you must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrator group in order to complete to a net work policy settings may also prevent you from complete this procedure.
1. Right- click the/start button/ ,and then click /Open all Users/.
it displays winnows like below.
2. Double- click the folder in which you want to add a submenu, usually the/ Programs/ folder.
3. On the/file/ menu, point to/New /, and then click/ folder/.
4. type a name for the new submenu, and then press/ ENTER/.
Adding Program / file shortcut to start menu
1. Search your file or program.
2. click the icon for the program you want to add, drag it to the start button, then to the submenu you added, and then droo the items.
Removing Program/ file shortcut from the start menu
1. in the progrems or submenu of the start menu, you need to right click on a program or file to be removed.
2. click on the/ delete/.
3. click on Delete shortcut/.
Working With Taskbar
The bar that contains the start button and appears by default at the botton of the desktop. you can click the tasbar buttons to Switch between programs. You can also hide the taskbar, Move it to the sides or top of the desktop, and customize it in other ways.

To change the number of mouse click required to open items

To change the number of mouse click required to open items
1.Follow / Start/ >/ Setting/> / Control Panel/ and Open/ Folders Options/ in/ control Panel/.

2.On the / General/ tab, Under/ Click items as Follows/, click the option you want
Note: if you click/ Single- click to open an item ( Point to Select)./, you can also Specify when ican titles are underline. To change Folder options Setting, open/ Folder option/ from a Folder Window, clik / Toois/, and than click/ Folder opion/.
Working with Start menu
Clicking Start displays a menu that lests you easily access the most uesful items on your computer. the list of programs displayed above the separator line ( also know as the pinned items list) and the programs displayed below the separator line ( also known as the most Frequently used Programs list). the program on the pinned items list remain there. there and are always available for you to click to start them. You can add programs to the pinned items list. programs are added to the most frequently used programs list When you use them. Windows has a default number of programs that are displayed on the most frequently used program list .
To change the Start menu style
1. Right-click the /start/ button and then click/ Propertice/.
2.On the /start Manu/tab, click one of the following option:
a. To select the default start manu, click/start manu/.
b. To select the style from an earlier version of Windows, click/ classic Start menu/.
Note: the next time you click start, the start manu displays the new style.
To display a Program at the top of the start manu
this fauture is not available in /classic Style/ of the start manu.
1. Right -click the program you want to display at the top of the start manu.
2. You can right -click a program on the /start manu/, Windows Explorer/, in/ My computer/, or on the / Disktop/.
3. click / pin to start menu/.
the programs is displayed in the pinned items list in the area above the separator line on the start manu.
Note: you can remov the programs from the pinned items list by right -clicking the program and then clicking/Unpin from start manu/.you can change the order of the progrems on the pinned items list by dragging a program to a new position. you cannot pin or upen items using the classic start menu.

windows XP Fundamentals

Hiding File and Folder
To height a File or Folder
1. Open the Destination or folder which contains your Folder, for instance/ My Document/. or You can use the /Search/ command to Search the spacific file.
2. Right -Click the File or folder, and than click/Properties/.
3. On the / General/ tab, Select the/Hidden/check box.
Note: To hide the file after change its hidden Properties the/ Do not show hidden files and folder/ Option should be enabled in folder option. If your file is still visible, go to/Start/>/Setting/>/ Control Panel/ and open the/ Folder option/.
After double clicking on Folder options, select the/ View/ tab and choose/ Do not show hidden files and folders/.
To display hidden files and folders
1. click on Start manu. Point to Setting.
2. click on Control Panel, it opens the control panel window.
3. Double- click/ Folder options/.
4. On the / view/ tab, Under /Hidden Files and folders/ option, click / show hidden file and folders./
Note: Hidden files and folders will appear dimmed to indicate they are not typical items.
Change the number of mouse clicks required to open items
Use single or double click to open files and folders, and specify when you want the items to be underlined.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Multimedia Technology

Multimedia technology allows us to store the data and information for the future reference. A CD-ROM which is light, cheap, durable and portable storage media used to store the data and information in the multimedia technology. Especially, it used to store and distribute the multimedia applications, hence it is also called multimedia CD. We can learn the related subject matter effectively using a multimedia CD in a multimedia computer set as we see the film in the TV. This technology is more effective, attractive and interactive then reading the book. We must go to the collage, school to learn the subject matter through the book; and it takes a long time to learn. The learning through the book cannot be so much clear and effective. But using multimedia in a computer, we can learn the same subject matter more easily in a short time because multimedia technology allows us to manipulate forms, such as text, graphics, and audio, video. So, if we get our subject matter in such different forms, obviously we learn the matter without difficulty in short time and it is not necessary to take help of other people. So, nowadays, multimedia technology is very popular specially to share the idea, views, thoughts of the people in an effective and interactive way.

Multimedia computer system

As our body is formed of different types of organs. Likewise, multimedia is a system, which has the capability to integrate two or more types of media such as text, graphics, animation, audio, video. It also has the capabilities of inputting, digitizing, compressing, decompressing, storing, retrieving the data and information and demonstrating them in an interactive manner. It is not possible to integrate and manipulate such type of media or data and information using single component. So, it needs different types of components to manipulate the data and information related to the multimedia application. Some of the common components are:
1. computer
2. software
4. CD ROM drive
5. sound card
6. microphone
7. head phone
8. digital camera
9. projector


Computers have changed from huge mainframes to small desktop computers as time passed. The first personal computers could not produced sounds. They just displayed the text on the screen. But over’s the years a number of new technologies have emerged which have exerted the power of machines, faster chips, sound cards, bigger monitors and so on. So multimedia technology has emerged gradually.

Multimedia is a new technology. as the name implies multimedia is the integration of multiple forms of media. The word multimedia is made up of two separate words; multi and media, which mean many and materials, through which information may be transmitted. This includes text, graphics, and animation, video, sound and computer programs. These mediums are digitally controlled by computer[s].Multimedia enhance s the information for better communication and understanding Multimedia upgrade kits[MUK] are available in the market for the upgrading of your PC. A MUK consist of the CD-ROM drive, sound card, speaker and microphone etc.

Types of Media

Multimedia is the integration of multiple forms of media the types of media in multimedia include;

Types Description
Text displays alphanumeric characters on the screen to present information. It is the base layer of almost all programs.
Graphics Computer graphics make a computer capable of displaying and manipulation pictures. It is a more powerful way to illustrate information then the text.
Animation Animation on computer is one of the chief ingredients of multimedia presentations. Animation is a simulation of movement created by displaying a series of pictures or frames. Cartoons on television are an example of animation.
Video video deals with recording and display of a sequence of images at a reasonable speed to create an impression of movement. It describes images of real events stored in a digital from.


sound is a significant aspect of exciting and successful multimedia application. Sound effects are used to accompany animation and increase the interactivity with the user.

Symptoms of computer Virus

Viruses are computer programs and they do their activities without the knowledge of the user. This includes deleting files, formatting a user’s hard drive, overwriting the system BLOS and completely disabling the computer systems. Some of the symptoms of viruses are listed below:

1. Programs take a long time to load. Memory-intensive operations take a lot of time to start.
2. Change in dates against the filenames in the directory. When the virus modifies a file the operating system changes the date.
3. The floppy disk or hard disk is suddenly accessed without a logical reason..
4. Increased use of disk space and growth in file size. Computer system does not work according to the instructions.
5. Renaming all the files with different names.
6. Corrupting the system’s data.

Antiviral software

Antiviral software is designed to detect and remove viruses from computer system to ensure a virus-free environment. However, certain types of viruses are difficult to remove and the damaged files are lost forever. Antiviral software may be a memory resident. Whenever the computer system is booted the antiviral program starts. It checks for viruses in all the files of the computer system. If a virus is detected, then the program will try to remove the virus. Some of the popular antiviral software is Norton Antiviral, McAfee, Smart Dog etc.

Safe computing

The spread of computer virus infection can be stopped through the practice of safe computing. Some of the steps recommended by experts to safeguard your PC from viruses are listed below.

1. Write – protect your floppy disk when using them on other computers.
2. Scan the mail or unknown files of internet before opening in your computer.
3. Use a good anti- virus program to scan floppy, CD disks before copying files. Recommended ones are Norton Antivirus and McAfee.
4. Do not install-pirated software, especially computer games.
5. Do not interchange the internal disk among the computers.
6. Do not use the free distributed software.
7. Scan the disks frequently and take out the virus infected programs and files.

Types of computer viruses

There are many kinds of computer viruses. They come in a wide variety. The level of the destructiveness of viruses varies widely. Some viruses display pictures and massages on the screen. Others erase or destroy programs and data. The various types of viruses are:

1. Boot sector Virus
2. Program virus of file virus
3. Multipartite virus
4. Stealth virus
5. Macro virus

1. Boot Sector Virus

Boot sector virus is developed to destroy or infect the boot sector of the disk where, Master Boot Record (MBR) is stored. MBR is a small program, which is responsible for booting the computer system. The boot sector viruses modify MBR that prevents you from being able to boot or ‘start up’ the computer from the system disk. By using the infected disk or CD during the booting, such types of viruses transmit automatically in the computer system. Examples of such viruses are Danish Boot, Devil 941, Disk killer, etc.

2. Program or file virus

A program virus or file virus infects application programs. They may attach themselves to any exec tension. BIN, .COM, EXE, .DRV (driver) and SYS (device drive). These viruses take control after the initial use of the infected program. Once the infected program is executed, it remains present in the main memory (RAM) even if the closed. When you execute another new file the virus attaches itself from the main memory in the new file. In this way all file or they may also overwrite, so it disturbs the file from executing. Examples of such viruses are Acid Rain, Alien.298 and crazy. A.

3. Multipartite Virus
Multipartite Virus have combination features of boot sector viruses and program viruses; they can infect both the application programs and the boot sector of a disk. They infect program files, and when the infected program is executed, these viruses also infect the boot record. When you boot the computer next time, the viruses load in memory from boot record and then start infecting other program files on the disk. Examples of such viruses are invader, Flip, Tequila, etc.

4. Stealth virus

Stealth virus is one of the most dangerous types of viruses which rarely gives information about the presence of it in your computer system. Generally, it infects program file and boot records. It is really difficult to detect this virus because it attempts to hide from the operating system and antivirus software of the computer and it uses a unique technique to ignore the detection. Examples of such viruses are Frodo, Joshi, Whale, etc.

5. Macro Virus

A Macro Virus is a new type of computer virus that infects the software document or template created using word processing or spread sheet software. When you open a word processing or spreadsheet document, the macro virus is activated and it infects the normal template or a documents. Since this virus attaches itself to documents, the infection can spread if such documents are opened on other computers. Examples of such viruses are DMV, Nuclear and word concept.

Computer virus

Computer virus is not living organism. It is a type of computer program which is written by the programmer with the intent of destroying or damaging the data and programs residing in the computer system. It interferes in the normal functioning of the computer. It replicates itself by making copies of itself without the user’s knowledge or consent. The tasks of computer virus are often destructive. It deletes the important information, crashes the hard drive and also disturbs to execute programs. Each virus contains instructions to initiate a unique and problematic event on an infected computer. The effects of these events can range from general annoying to the great destruction.

How does a computer virus infect your computer?

A virus is usually passed through infected files of a disk and the internet. Some viruses only transfer if you boot your computer with an infected disk. Others can infect your system when you copy a file from an infected disk or even when you attempt to eras an infected disk. Viruses can be passed when you download a file from the internet or access data or programs on a network. If you install genuine software and rarely exchange disks with anyone else, it may reduce the risk of virus infection in the computer system. It makes higher risk of virus infection in the computer system, if your computer system. It makes higher risk of virus infection in the computer system, if your computer system comes more in contact with the internet or with the infected disks.

The main purpose of the virus is to infect as many programs as possible. Once the virus infects your computer system, it does various operations such as displaying pictures or massages on the screen periodically, erasing or destroying programs and data, infecting the application software like word processor, database and spreadsheet and causing some sort of malfunctioning of the computer system. It tries to remain hiding to support its activity, and it tries to infect as many systems as possible. They infect the system by attaching themselves to the files and programs.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Common Internet Terms

Web page

Web page is an electronic document written using a computer language called HTML. The world wide web consists of files called web pages that contain information about any person or organization etc. Different web pages are connected through a special link called hyperlinks or links. These links are enable the user to jump from one page to another using Internet.

Web site

A web site is a collection of web pages that can be published by an organization or individual. It contains home page and other sub pages. Each web is designed and updated by an individual or organization.


Upload refers to copying files or documents or data from users computer to the internet. For example, a user can copy HTML documents to the internet server.


Download refers to copying files or documents or programs or data from the internet server to the user’s computer. For example, HTML codes or other programs or data can be copied from the internet to the user’s computer and store in his/her hard disk.

Web Browser

A web browser is a computer program that accesses web pages and display them on the users computer. It is a software that allows user to retrieve, view and copy information using internet.


A web page provide information about a place, person, organization or any other objects. Each web page has a unique address, called a Uniform Resource Locator that provides location on the internet. Web browsers uses URL to provided information to the users. Protocol, server or Domain, path and filename are four parts of URL.


Newsgroups are discussion groups that focus on a particular topic such as politics, computer, health etc. the interested people on the particular field write the information or articles. Then these articles to newsgroups, so that other people can read them. To see and send articles to newsgroups, newsreader software such as Microsoft Outlook Express or Netscape News is used.


Telnet is a program that allows the user to log into a remote computer on the internet as a user on that system. With Telnet, a user can log into a service to access information stored on it. However, only those users that have been allowed to access by the organizations can log into the servers. It allows the user to log in to a remote computer in such a way that a person may use it as if it is being used locally.

File transfer protocol (FTP)

File transfer protocol is the internet tool that allows the user to transfer the file of one computer to another computer. FTP will allow the user to upload and download the files from a remote computer know as FTP service can be used through DOS prompt, browsers and other GUI based FTP software.

Internet Relay chat (IRC)

Internet Relay chat or simply chat is one of the important services provided by the internet. Chat programs allow the users to communicate with each other in real time. Real time communication means communicate with each with different users in the immediate present. Unlike e-mail, chat does not require a waiting period between the time you send a message and the time the other user receives the massage. The user can read, reply or ignore the massage according to his/ her wish. Chat room is also a popular addition to web sites. The user can participate directly in chat session using the browser software without using special chat software.

Internet Telephony

Internet telephony is one the cheapest and reliable services provided by the internet. It is a system that allows the user to make telephone communication or voice communication through the internet. It requires some additional software such as Cool talk, Net meeting and hardware such as headphone, microphone, etc.

Services of the Internet

The internet is a network of networks, which has grown from a small project to the huge network of today. It has become a huge source of information, entertainment, business, news and education. Some important services of the internet are discussed below:
World wide web
The world wide web (www) is the most important service available on the internet. It was created in 1990 European particle Physics Laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland to exchange and share data through the internet using a protocol known as a hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). A hypertext document is a specially encoded file that use hypertext links or hyperlinks in the document. HTTP and hypertext links are the foundation of the world wide web. www presents text, image, animation, video, sound and other media through a single interface. The www is often referred to as the internet. Actually, they are two different concepts: internet is the network of networks or a global network whereas the web is a collection of documents or web sites, which are shared by different users using the internet.

Electronic mail (E-mail)
Electronic mail or e-mail is one of the most popular services provided by the internet. It is now the world’s largest electronic mail system. More then 25 million people are directly connected to the internet and can send and receive electronic mail. The main advantage of e-mail is it is faster and cheaper then traditional mailing system. It has some disadvantages: minor mistakes in e-mail address may deliver the mail to a wrong address. Since, it passes through a vast electronic network, it may be seized in between. The popular e-mail programs include Eudora, Microsoft outlook and Netscape Messenger.

If you have an account with an ISP or if you are a member of the domain, then you can create an e-mail address. This unique address enables other to send a massage to you and enables you to send a massage to other users. An internet electronic mail address has two parts: the user name and the domain name. the user name identifies the person who receives the mail; the domain name identifies the computer system on which the user has an account. These parts are separated by @sign. An example of an e-mail address is: sanjay@wlink.com.np

Integrated services Digital Network (ISDN)

An ISDN is a high speed digital communication network evolving from existing telephone line, which is called dial-up networking. Beside this connections such as ISTN (Integrated services Digital Network (IDN), which provides end- to – end digital connectivity to support a wide rang of services, including voice and non voice services. The services provided by ISDN are:

1. integrated services
2. Satellite Connection
3. Cable Connection
4. Dial up connection

Integrated Services

Digital Network is a digital circuit switching technology that carries voice, graphics and data through telephone lines. It is suitable for business and commercial use. It is at least four times faster then a dial-up line.

Satellite connection

Satellite connection can be used to connect a computer or a computer network to the internet. This is good for remote location, where ISDN and other cable connection are not available. It provides connection through satellite to the user’s disk antenna. Satellite connection is expensive but provides faster and more qualitative services then other connection.

Cable Connection

A computer connected to the internet through a cable television line is a popular connection, which provides fast and reliable services to the user. A cable modem is used to connect the computer and the cable television line. It may have two connections, one to the television and other to the computer system. Nowadays, many cable television providers offer internet connection along with television services.

Dial-up connection

Dial- up connection is the chenpast and the easiest way to connect a computer to the internet. It requires a normal telephone line and an internal or external MODEM. The performance of the dile-up connection is very low in comparison with the other connections discussed above. The above figure shows the connection of a computer to the internet using an external MODEM:

Components Required for Internet Connection

The internet is the world largest computer network, which connects a large number of computers. Basic requirements to connect a computer to the internet are:
1. computer system
2. Software
4. connection
Computer system
The internet can be connected with the computer having at least 486 processor. The computer must have a hard disk with at 200 MB free space to store temporary files of the Internet. Computer system having multimedia technology is preferable to get better performance.
Hardware along cannot be used to connect a computer to the internet. Software plays a vital role for this purpose. The computer connected to the internet should have TCL/IP or Transmission control protocol or internet protocol, which is used to make communication between the user’s computer and other computers in the internet. Another important software is dialer software that deals the user’s computer to the server and establishes a connection between the user’s computer and the internet. Besides these, web browser is the essential software that is installed in user’s computer to search the information through the internet. Searching information from the internet is called browsing or surfing. Common browsers used for the internet are internet explorer and Netscape navigator.

MODUM is another essential device to access the internet in your computer. It is a device that converts the digital signals of your computer to the analog signals and passes through the telephone line and again converts the analog signals of the telephone line to the digital signals and passes to the computer. The performance of the internet depends upon the computer. The performance of the internet depends upon the speed of the MODEM. The speed of the MODEM is measured in kilobits per second (kbps). Most common MODEM available in the market is with the speed of 56K. there are two types of MODEM Internal and External. The internal MODEM is a card, which is installed on the slot of the motherboard whereas the external modem is a box like device used to connect the computer system and the telephone line or other lines for its operation.


Most common connection between a computer and the internet is done using normal telephone line, which is called dile-up networking. Beside this, other connections such as ISDN (integrated services Digital Network), cable line, leased line and satellite connection, can be used to connect a computer to the internet. Some the popular internet connections are explained below:

Sunday, December 13, 2009


1. Play the mp3 song form CD
Ø Insert the /song CD/ into your /CD-Drive/.
Ø It will automatically open the CD Auto play Dialog box.
Ø Click on / open folder to view files / form action list. ( or open /My computer/ and CD –Drive/)
Ø If the CD contains folder for the songs, open it by double clicking it.
Ø Open any song you want to play by double clicking it or select more songs by /ctrl/ or /shift/ + /click/ then press /Enter/ key to open. The selected song may be opened in default mp3 player such as winwap, windows media player etc.
Note : try to play mp3 songs in windows media player. Jet Audio etc.
2. Play movie CD (VCD)
Ø To play a movie. Insert the VCD (video CD) into CD-drive.
Ø It will automatically open the CD Auto play Dialog box.
Ø Click on /open folder to view file/ from action list. (or open /My computer/ and /CD-drive/)
Ø Search and open the folder name /Mpegav/. [this folder contains the move file]
Ø Double click the file name /Avseq01/ (or other Avseq02 ……)
Ø Then the move will start to play in your default move program, such as windows Media player.
NOTE: try to play move in different move player provided in computer.
3.Playing Movie/film DVD
Ø To play a DVD move insert the DVD into DVD drive
Ø It will automatically open the DVD Auto play Dialog box.
Ø Click on /open folder to view files/ from action list (or open /My Computer/ and /DVD – Drive/)
Ø Search and open the folder name / VIDEO-TS/. [this folder contains the movie file]
Ø Double click the file named /VTS-10-1. VOB/ (or other VTS- 01- 2.VOB ……) to open the movie.
Then the move will start to play in your default move programs, such as Cyber Line Power DVD player.
4.Playing the Windows Games
Ø Click on the start
Ø All programs
Ø Games
Ø click on a Games you want to play ,e.g.: /solitaire/
5.Using Other Games
Ø Click on start
Ø Search For files or folders
Ø Select all files or Folders option.
Ø Type the game name you want to play. If you want to play Road rash games, type /Road rash/ in /Named/ text box and in /look in/ box, set /my computer/.
Ø Then click on /search/ button.
Ø If Road rash is present in the computer, after few seconds you can see it in result list.
Ø Double click it to open and start playing.

NOTE: Use the following path to play other games:

Opening Internet and Make E-mail Account

Opening Internet and Make E-mail Account
Ø Open the web browser, i.e.:/Internet Explorer/ by clicking /start/>/programs/>/Internet Explorer/
Ø It opens the Internet Explorer's window. If the Internet connection is already established the default homepage will be displayed.
Ø If you want to browse other web site, type the /URL/ or /web address/ for the required web site, press /Enter/ on the keyboard and wait for a while until the home page downloads completely.
For instance, here are few useful websites:
Ø http://www.nepalnews.com.np http://www.south-asia.com
Ø http://www.tuexam.edu.np http://www.ioe.edu.np
Ø http://www.google.com http://www.egreetings.com
Ø http://www.yahoo.com http://www.hotmail.com
1.4. Creating Email Account in yahoo
Yahoo.com is a free advertisement supported email service and search engine that provides us with a permanent email address. The created email account can be accessed from any web browser from any part of world using Internet.
Ø Open the /Internet Explorer/ program.
Ø Type /http:www.yahoo.com/ in the Address bar and press /Enter/ key on keyboard. It displays the Yahoo Homepage.
Ø Click on /Mail/ link.(Displays the yahoo mail web page)
Ø Click on /Sign Up Now/ from yahoo mail web page to create a new account in yahoo. (Displays the yahoo mail web page)
Ø Click on /sign Up now/ to create a free mail account.(you will get a registration form)
Ø Fill up necessary information in required and optional fields as instructed by field labels e.g., yahoo ID, password, Re-type password etc.
Ø Finally click on /submit this from/ button. (Now, the yahoo checks the
ID, password, and other necessary data for your email account.
Ø Now, the new email account has been created successfully. You can distribute this email address to your friends or others. Click on /continue to yahoo mail/ button for further steps.

1.5. Working with yahoo Mail
Checking Email
Ø Open yahoo home page /www.yahoo.com/ and click /Mail/ link. Or, open directly by using /www.mail.yahoo.com/
Ø Supply your /Yahoo Id/ and correct /Password/ in required boxes and press /Enter/ in keyboard or click /Sign In/ button.
Ø If /yahoo ID/ and /password/ are valid, you will get a page with Inbox Link. Click on /Inbox/ link.
Ø Now, you can see your incoming mail list with hyperlinked texts. Click on required link to view the content.
1.6. Compose and send Email
Ø In your inbox page, click on compose button.
Ø In To box, type the email address of your friend or recipient e.g., scieducation@wlink.com.np
Ø In subject box, type a suitable subject for the mail.
Ø And type the message in message box.
Ø Finally, click on send button.
(You will get a confirmation page that tells whether the mail has been sent successfully or not. If not, try again later.)

The Internet

1. Internet
The Internet, also called the Net, is a worldwide collection of network that links millions of businesses government agencies, educational institutions and individuals. Each of the networks on the internet provides resources link services and information.
1.1. Objectives
Ø To provide basic know how of internet and E-mail Suggested Reading
Ø Simplified Internet, BPB publication
Ø The Complete Beginner's Guide to Internet, Mark Neely
1.1.1. Some Domain Types and their meaning
Ø www.xyz.com - Commercial
Ø www.xyz.edu - Education
Ø www.xyz.gov - Governmental
Ø www.xyz.mil - Military
Ø www.xyz.org - Organizational
Ø ww.xyz.net - Networking
Ø www. Idealist.com - Idealist
Ø www.download.com - Software
Ø www.talkcity.com - Chat
1.2. Information on the Web
Ø Government agencies
Ø College and university
Ø Professional and amateur sports teams
Ø Political organization
Ø Social and culture organization
Ø Health and Science
Ø Computer hardware and software
Ø News
Ø Book
Ø Games and Food etc.


Microsoft Access is a data base application program, develop by Microsoft U.S.A which is used to store or save large number of records, to search tables records in short interval of time, to create forms and reports of the records etc.
It is a database management system or in short it is a database program. It enables us to collect, store, and arrange information as well as run reports that lead to conclusion.

Basic terms:
· Table: It is a two dimensional figure in where there are rows and columns. The rows and columns. The rows are records and the columns are fields.
· Records: A record is a group of related fields of information treated as a unit and entity.
· Fields: The field id like a title or a heading of records that contain the data items. The field can be thought of as the location of data item in a record.
· Key: Key is a unique identifier for each record. It can be a single field or a series of fields.

How to start ACCESS
Ø Click here to the start button.
Ø Then after click programs
Ø Then after click MICROSOFT ACCESS

Ø Then a dialog box will appear on the Microsoft Office Access

Ø Click on File menu and click on New
Ø Then a dialog box will appear

Ø Then click on Blank database…
Ø Then again a dialog box will appear
Ø Then type filename and choose the destination for the file and click on Create.
Ø Then the dialog box will appear

Ø Then click on Tables on the objects and double click on Create table in design view
Ø Then a sub-window will appear on the screen
Now prepare a table by taking into consideration the following points:
Autonumber – for automatic number
Text – for the alphabets
Date/Time – for date and time
Address – for address
Contact No: - for phone number
Yes/No – for logical operation
OLE object – for pictures though the picture cannot be seen in the table.
Hyperlink – for website address
Memo – for long text such as paragraph
Note: Do not use any symbols such as . , _ ( ) * % $ # ^

Ø After completing the table format click on File menu and click on Save
Ø Then a dialog box will appear
Ø Type the table name and click on Ok
Ø Then a dialog box will appear

Ø Then click on Yes and click on (Datasheet view) on the top left corner.
Ø Then a window of datasheet view will appear
Ø Now enter the data and fill up the table.
Ø After filling up the table save the table and exit from the table.
Ø Now click on Query on the objects
Ø Then click on Create Query by using Wizard

Scanning Program

1. Introduction
It is a kind of Program to scan the picture or photo document for various uses. It is a very useful program.
Ø First put or insert the document on Scanner.
Ø Then press on Scan to scanner or open the Photoshop program.
Ø Click on file
Ø Click on import then Choose Cano Scan Lide100
Ø Click on Scan .There will be Processing for Sometime
Ø Then Click on Ok
Ø Then the scanner scan the documents
(For rotate picture)
Ø Click on Image
Ø Click on Rotate Canvas to rotate
Ø Choose the Size
(For corrupt picture)
Ø Select the corrupt tool
Ø Crop the necessary area of the work area and press enter
(Save the scan documents)
Ø Choose file
Ø Click save
Ø Choose the save area an write file name
Ø Choose Format named JPEG(*.JPG,*.JPEG,*.JPE)
Ø Click on Save
Ø Close the Program
Exercise: Scan the picture and save in desktop using own your file name.

Microsoft Picture Manager

1. Introduction
It is a kind of program which supports to edit or manage the picture. It is also a very useful program to edit photo. We can edit the picture or photo by using different kinds of tools and icon.
Ø Open the picture or photo's file.
Ø Select the picture which you want to edit or repair.
Ø Right click on Photo.
Ø Click on photo then the program will open.
There are different kinds of icon:
Ø Brightness contrast
Ø Color
Ø Crop
Ø Rotate and flip
Ø Red eye removable
1.1. Change picture size.
Ø Resize
Ø Compress picture
Ø Zoom
1. Practical for Class:
Ø Open the Picture from file
Ø Open the Picture Manager Program
Ø Manage the Picture by Using different kinds of icon


An animation is used to add a special visual or sound effect to text or an object. For example, you can have your text bullet points fly in from the left, one word at a time or hear the sound of applause when a picture is uncovered.
2.4.1. Slide Animation
Slide animation effects are predefined special effects that you can add to objects on a slide. To apply an animation effect:
Ø Select the object(s).
Ø Click the Animations tab on the Ribbon
Ø custom Animation
Ø Click Add Effect
Ø Choose the appropriate effect
2.4.2. Animation Preview
To preview the animation on a slide:
Ø Click the Preview button on the Animations tab
2.4.3. Record timings while you rehearse
You can rehearse your presentation to make sure that it fits within a certain time frame. While you rehearse, use the slide Timing feature to record the time that you need to present each slide, and then use the recorded times to advance the slides automatically when you give your presentation to your actual audience.
Ø Click on View
Ø Click on Rehearse Timing
Ø To move to the next slide, click next.
Ø Too temporarily stop recording the time click Pause.
Ø To restart recording the time after pausing click Pause.
Ø To restart recording the for the current slide click Repeat.
After you set the time for the last slide, a message box displays the total time for the presentation and prompts you to do one of the following:
Ø To keep the recorded slide timings click yes.
Ø To discard the recorded slide timings, click no.
Slide sorter view appears and displays the time of each slide in your presentation.

3. Practice of Powerpnt
Ø Open the /power point / program.
Ø Apply a /Title Only/ layout from /Home/ >/Layout/ .
Ø Add a theme to slide (Design tab>themes).
Make the 10 copies of the slide by pressing CTRL+D.
Type the following texts on mentioned slide:
Slide1: LGN computer Institute and its sectors:
Slide2: LGN computer Education
Slide3: LGN computer & Electronics Solution
Slide4: Community ICT Center
Slide5: Desktop and prepress services
Slide6: Software & web solutions
Slide7: World wide Communication
Slide8: Digital Media services
Slide9: Courier & Money transfer services
Slide10: For More information contact: 016218107

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Microsoft office power point 2007

1. Introduction
Power Point is a presentation graphic program. It is a very adaptable program. Presentation can be made with a projector connected to a personal computer and using transparencies of overhead projectors.
With power point's powerful features, the creation of a slide show becomes a lot easier. For example, power points can be instructed to make a pre-designed presentation and the same can be modified according to your needs. To make your presentation more impressive, you can add table, charts, pictures, video, sound, and animation effects.
1.1. Starting power point
Ø Click on Start
Ø Click on all program
Ø Click on Microsoft Office
Ø Click on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 / 2003 or
Ø Click on Start
Ø Click on run
Ø Type powerpnt
Ø Click on ok.

2. About the Slides
A slide is the most basic unit of a power point presentation. It contains one or many objects, such as a title, text, graphics, tables, charts, and drawing. An object is the building block for a power point slide. Power point assumes the first slide in a new presentation is called title slide. The title slide's purpose is to introduce the presentation to the audience.
2.1. Creating presentation
Ø Click the Microsoft office Button
Ø Click New
Ø Click Blank presentation
2.2. Save a presentation
When you save a presentation, you have two choices: save or save as.
To save a document:
Ø Click the Microsoft office Button
Ø Click save
You may need to use the Save As feature when you need to save a presentation under a different name or to save it for earlier versions of power point. Remember that older versions of power point will not be able to open power point 2007 presentation unless you save it as a power point 97-2003 Format. To use the save as feature:
Ø Click the Microsoft Office Button
Ø Click save AS
Ø Type in the name for the presentation
Ø In the save as type box, choose Excel 97-2003 presentation
2.3. Add Slides
There are several choices when you want to add a new slide to the new slide
To create a new slide from office themes:
Ø Select the slide immediately before where you want the new slide
Ø Click the New Slide button on the Home tab
Ø Click the slide choice that fits your material
To create a slide as a duplicate of a slide in the presentation:
Ø Select the slide to duplicate
Ø Click the New slide button on the Home tab
Ø Click Duplicate Selected Slides

Excel Formulas

A formula is a set of mathematical instructions that can be used in Excel to perform calculations .Formals are started in the formula box with an = sign
There are many elements to and excel formula.
References: The cell or range of cells that you want to use in your calculation
Operators: Symbols (+,-,*,/, etc.) that you want to use in your calculation to be performed
Constants : Numbers or text values that do not change
Functions : Predefined formulas in Excel
2.1. To create a basic formula in Excel
Ø Select the cell for the formula
Ø Type =(the equal sign ) and the formula
Ø Click Enter

2. Calculate with Functions
A function is a built in formula in Excel .A function has a name and arguments (the mathematical function) in parentheses .Common functions in Excel:
Sum: Adds all cells in the argument
Average: Calculates the average of the cells in the arguments
Min: Finds the minimum Value
Count: Finds the number of cells that contain a numerical value within a range of the argument
Ø To calculate a function
Ø Click the cell where you want the function applied
Ø Click the Insert Function button
Ø Choose the function
Ø Click OK
Complete the Number 2 box with the last cell in the last cell in the range that you want calculated
3.1. Function Library
The function library is a large group of functions on the Formula Tab of the Ribbon. These functions include:
Auto Sum: Easily calculates the sum of a range
Recently Used: All recently used functions
Financial: Accrued interest, cash flow return rates and additional financial functions

Logical: And, If, True, False, etc.
Example Functions
What it does
Adds all the numbers in a range of cells A1 to C5.
=AVERAGE (B10:B20)
Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the range of the cell range.
Returns the largest value in a set /range of values.
Returns the largest value in a set/range of values.
Displays the current date of the system
=NOW ( )
Displays the current time of the system
Text: Text based functions
Date and Time: Functions calculated on data and time
Math and Trig: Mathematical Functions
3.2. Some other functions
IF ( ) Logical function
Returns one value if a condition you specify evaluates to TRUE and another value if it evaluates to FALSE.
Syntax: IF (logical _test, value _if _true _value _if _false)
Logical _test is any value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE .For example, A10 =100 is a logical expressions; if the value in cell .A10 is equal to 100, the expressions evaluates to TRUE. Otherwise, the expressions evaluates to FALSE. This argument can use any comparison calculation operator.
Value _if _ true is the value that is returned if logical _test is TRUE.
Value _if _False is the value that is returned if logical _test is FALSE.
Note: Up to seven IF functions can be nested as value _if _true and value _if _false arguments to construct more elaborate tests. See the second of the following examples.
Example 1: A B C
Predicted Expense
Actual Expense
Within Budget
Over Budget
Over Budget
Within Budget

=IF (A2>B2, “Within budget” , “Over budget”)
If the A2 (Predicated Exp.)is more than or equal to B2 (Actual Exp), then the formula displays “Within budget”. Otherwise, the function displays “Over budget”.

Example 2:
If Score is
Then return
If Score is
Then return
Greater than 90
From 60 to 69
From 80to 89
Less than 60
From 70 to 79

=if(B2>90, “A” ,if (B2>80, “B” ,if (B2>70, “C” ,if (B2>60, “D”, “E”))))

Selecting the Required Data using Mouse

Selecting the Required Data using Mouse
1.6.1. To select cells
Ø Click on the cell to select a single cell
Ø Click on the cell and drag the mouse to desire direction for multiple cell selection.
1.6.2. Select a Row or column
To select a row or column click on the row or column header
1.6.3. Copy and Paste
To copy and paste data:
Ø Select the cells that you wish to copy
Ø On the Clipboard group of the Home tab ,click Copy
Ø Select the cells where you would like to copy the data
Ø On the Clipboard group of the Home tab ,click Paste
1.6.4. Cut and Paste
To cut and paste data:
Ø Select the cells that you wish to copy
Ø On the Clipboard group of the Home tab ,click Cut
Ø Select the cells where you would like to copy the data
Ø On the Clipboard group of the Home tab ,click Paste
1.6.5. Undo and Redo
To undo or redo you’re most recent actions:
Ø On the Quick Access Toolbar
Ø Click Undo or Redo
1.6.6. Auto Fill
The Auto Fill feature fills cell data or series of data in a worksheet into a selected range of cells .If you want the same data copied into the a selected range of cells .If you want to have a series of data (for example, days of the week) fill in the first two cells in cells in the series and then use the Auto fill features. To use the Auto Fill Features:
Ø Click the Fill Handle
Ø Drag the Fill Handle to complete the cells
1.6.7. To delete data
Select the desired data, which you want to delete, and then press Delete, then press
[Delete] key or [Backspace] Key.
1.6.8. To recover any recently deleted (Modified data)
If you delete any important data by mistake, click on the [Edit] menu and select [Undo] command to recover it, (or, press [Ctrl] + [z] or [Undo] button on the Standard toolbar).

Merge and center data

1.2. Merge and center data
It is used to combine the selected cells.
Ø Select required cells
Ø Click on format menu
Ø Choose cells
Ø Choose alignment tab
Ø Choose center from horizontal and vertical alignment
Ø Click on merge cells
Ø Click on ok
1.3. Some common Terms Used in Excel
A spreadsheet is an electronic document that stores various types of data .There is Vertical columns and horizontal rows. A cell is where the column and row intersect. A cell can contain data and can be used in calculations of data within the spreadsheet. An Excel spreadsheet can contain workbooks and worksheets. The workbook is the holder for related worksheets.
Set of cells arranged horizontally in a spreadsheet program on in table.
Series of characters, printed or displayed one under the other or set of cells arranged vertically, in Excel, are called columns.
A cell is an interpreter between rows and columns or is single function or number in a spreadsheet program.
Cell Address
A code that identifies the position of a cell by row and columns. The rows are normally numbered and the columns use the alphabets.
Name Box
This box is situated at the left end of the formula bar that displays the active cell address, chart item, or drawing object. Enter the cell or range.
Current or active cell
The call being edited is an active cell pointer is currently located.
Row Heading
The place where serial numbers of rows are written (on the left side of every rows). There are 65536 rows in a worksheet.
Column Heading
It is the place where alphabetical series of columns are written (at the top of every column). There are 256 columns in a worksheet.
1.4. Moving the cell Pointer
To move the cell pointer (Curser )
One cell left - Left arrow Key
One cell right - Right arrow key
One cell up - Up arrow Key
One cell down - Down arrow key
At the end of the current row - End +Right arrow Key
At the beginning of the row - Home Key
At the beginning of the worksheet
Or in ‘AL’ cell -Ctrl + Home Key
At the end of the data entry cells - Ctrl + End key
At the beginning of the current column - Ctrl +Left arrow Key
Or, click the mouse where you want to enter the data.
Data – Collection of the facts made up of numbers .characters and symbols, stored on a computer in such a way that it can be processed by the computer.
1.5. Basic Idea to Edit Data
Selection of the required data using Keyboard
To Select Press
A single cell -(Move the pointer on the cell)
Cells - Shift +Arrow Keys
From the current cell to beginning of the row - Shift +Home
The current cell to beginning of the worksheet - Ctrl + Shift + Home
The entire column - Ctrl +Spacebar
The entire row - Shift +Spacebar
The entire worksheet - Ctrl +A
With the object selected, select all objects on a worksheet
-Ctrl +Shift +Spacebar

Microsoft Office Excel -2007

Microsoft Corporation is the biggest developer and publisher of software for the personal computer. Microsoft developed the MS-DOS Operating System for the personal IBM PC and later Windows together with a range of application software .Beside windows operating system, Microsoft Corporation developed Microsoft Office .It is a package of most useful and essential software. Microsoft Excel is also an application of this package .It is the most useful program which allows calculation to be carried out on several columns and rows .Excel provides a spread sheet for data entry which is as a wide computer stationary. There are many types of spreadsheet program available in computer but the Excel is most performed and popular .It is specially used to solve the calculation problems .We can create Home Budget ,Register ,and Ledger ,student 's Mark sheet , Trade bill ,Population chart ,Balance sheet and many more . We can develop the personalized formulae for calculation problems. The latest version of Excel is MS -Excel 2007 XP .It has included a very new and Advance features.
1.1. How to Start
Ø Click on start
Ø All programs
Ø Microsoft Office
Ø Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Or
Ø Click on start
Ø Run
Ø Type Excel
Ø Press Enter Key on Keyboard.
(Now you can see the screen of the MS-Excel XP)
What are work book and worksheet?
a) Work Book :
Works are the collection of worksheet .Generally there are default 3 sheets. Sheets1, Sheet 2, Sheet 3
b) Work sheet :
A single sheet of work sheet, a single worksheet hold greater amount of data.
Some rules
a. "=" This sign is necessary before formula.
b. "+" For adding
c. "-" For subtract
d. "*" For Multiply
e. "/" For Divide
f. ":" For Define
g. <,>,% Less than , greater then , percentage

Tools Menu

Tools Menu
Spelling and Grammar:
Checks the active document for possible spelling grammar, and writing style errors, and displays suggestions for correcting them.
Ø Click on tools menu
Ø Click on spelling and Grammar
Ø Now, you can chick your mistake
.Auto Correct (Tools menu)
Sets the options used to correct text automatically as you type, or to store and reuse and other items you see frequently
Ø Click on tools
Ø Click on Auto Correct
(Now you can set your required auto correction).
Protect Document , Unprotect
Document (Tools menu)
Prevents changes to all or part of an online form or document expect as specified .you can also assign a password so that other users can annotate a document , mark revisions , or fill in parts an online form . When a document is protected, this command changes to Unprotect Document.
Ø Click on tools
Ø Click on protect document
Ø Choose form options
Ø And type password
Ø Again type same password
Ø Click on ok
Table menu
Draw table
Insert a table where you drag in the document. After you drag to insert the table, drag inside the table to add cells, columns, or rows.
Ø Click on table
Ø Click on Draw table
Ø Drag the mouse in a document to create a table.
Table Column
9.2. Insert Table
Insert a table in the document with the number of columns and rows you specify.
Ø Click on table
Ø Click on Insert
Ø Click on table
Ø Now you can specify the number of rows and columns
Ø Click on ok
Ø jnbkjk
Ø kjhgkjk
9.3. Delete (cells, row, column, and table)
This is submenu is used to delete cells, column, u want to delete.
Ø Click on table
Ø Click on select
Ø Choose table, row or column u want to delete.
Ø Click on ok
Select (cells, row, column, table)
This submenu is used to select table, row or column
Ø Click on table
Ø Click on select
Ø Choose table, row or column u wants
Ø Click on ok
Merge cell
This submenu is used to combine the selected cell into the number of row and column you entered.
Ø Select the cells
Ø Click on table
Ø Click on merge cell

Insert main Menu

Page Number
This submenu is used to insert page number.
Ø Click on insert menu
Ø Click on Page number
Ø Select the alignment
Ø Click on Ok
This submenu is used to insert symbol and special Character.
Ø Click on insert menu
Ø Click on symbol
Ø Select the symbol or character,
Which you want
Ø Click on insert
Ø Click on Close.
We use this submenu to insert picture word art, auto shape, from file etc.
Ø Click on insert menu
Ø Click on picture
Ø When you click on picture it display from file, auto shape word art

Click art
You can insert picture from Clipart.
Ø Click on insert
Ø Click on picture
Ø Click on clipart
Ø Choose any one category
Ø Click on desire picture
Ø Click on insert clip
From File:
We can insert file, which we have made in another file of program from this menu.
Ø Click on insert menu
Ø Click on file
Ø Choose the file from the list
Ø Click on insert
Word Art:
We can insert the word art or word design from this menu.
Ø Click on insert menu
Ø Click on picture
Ø Click on word Art
Ø Select the required style
Ø Click on ok
Ø Type the text in word style box
Ø Click on ok
Auto Shape:
This command is used to insert word file in actual document.
Ø Click on insert menu
Ø Click on file
Ø A dialog box will appear
Ø Select the required file menu
Ø Click on insert

This command is used to insert word file in actual document.
Ø Click on insert menu
Ø Click on file
Ø A dialog box will appear
Ø Select the required file menu
Ø Click on insert.

Text box
It is used to create text box in document.
Ø Click on insert
Ø Click on text box
Ø Click on drag the mouse

View main menu

Normal: Allows you to type edit and format documents.
Usually normal view is used type the long document.
In this view no objects (picture, textbox etc.) can be
Ø Click on View menu
Ø Click on Normal
6.2. Print Layout:
This submenu is used to view the document in page layout view from this view you can see format details. This view allows you to display multiple columns, footnotes and headers and footers in the document.
Ø Click on view menu
Ø Click on Print layout.
We can use this submenu to hide or display toolbar.
Ø Click on View menu
Ø Click on Toolbar
Ø Select the toolbar to hide or display toolbar
Header and footer:
We use this submenu to keep header and footer text.
Ø Click on view menu
Ø Click on header and footer
Ø type the header and footer( your title , Address )
Ø Click on close
We can use this submenu to see the text in different Zoom size.
Ø Click on view menu
Ø Click on Zoom
Ø Select the percentage
Ø Click on Ok

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

View main menu

Normal: Allows you to type edit and format documents.
Usually normal view is used type the long document.
In this view no objects (picture, textbox etc.) can be
Ø Click on View menu
Ø Click on Normal
6.2. Print Layout:
This submenu is used to view the document in page layout view from this view you can see format details. This view allows you to display multiple columns, footnotes and headers and footers in the document.
Ø Click on view menu
Ø Click on Print layout.
6.3. Toolbars:
We can use this submenu to hide or display toolbar.
Ø Click on View menu
Ø Click on Toolbar
Ø Select the toolbar to hide or display toolbar
6.4. Header and footer:
We use this submenu to keep header and footer text.
Ø Click on view menu
Ø Click on header and footer
Ø type the header and footer( your title , Address )
Ø Click on close
6.5. Zoom
We can use this submenu to see the text in different Zoom size.
Ø Click on view menu
Ø Click on Zoom
Ø Select the percentage
Ø Click on Ok

7. Insert main Menu
7.1. Page Number
This submenu is used to insert page number.
Ø Click on insert menu
Ø Click on Page number
Ø Select the alignment
Ø Click on Ok
7.2. Symbol:
This submenu is used to insert symbol and special Character.
Ø Click on insert menu
Ø Click on symbol
Ø Select the symbol or character,
Which you want
Ø Click on insert
Ø Click on Close.
7.3. Picture
We use this submenu to insert picture word art, auto shape, from file etc.
Ø Click on insert menu
Ø Click on picture
Ø When you click on picture it display from file, auto shape word art

Do the following test.

1. Open the Microsoft word using the /Run/ command.
2. Exit from the program using the / Exit Word/ command in the /office button/.
3. Type some texts on page and save it as /D:/ letter.doc./.
4. Now, close the document using the short cut Keys.

Date: 20th April, 2009
Mr. / Ms..………………………………

As we are going to have an important meeting about the "Course Modification and problems" of this institute. We humbly request you to attend upcoming meeting going to be held in the following date and time.
Programs Schedules:

Date : 1st May, 2008
Time : 10.11am
Venue : Love Green computer Institute, Bakharealdi -7
5. Copy above letter (select letter and press Ctrl +C) and paste (click on empty area just after the above letter and press Ctrl +V) for two more pages.
6. Cut letter of one page and past in new document (Ctrl +N).
7. Save it as / E"/letter.doc/
8. Protect the document by using appropriate password.
9. Save it in old version of office. E.g. office 2003
Excellent Educational Environment
As a part of this institute, you will have an opportunity to work closely with a dedicated and qualified faculty. You will come to know your instructors and have a remarkable opportunity to learn in an excellent educational environment. Also you will find yourself among the fellow students who are enthusiastic, friendly and serious about their academic accomplishments and their professional about their academic accomplishment and their professional future.
1 Select the heading and set the formatting as: Font: Arial Size: 12 Color: Blue, Align: Center, Font style: Underline and Bold.
2 4. Select the paragraph and set the formatting as: Font: time’s new roman, font Size: 10, color: Red, Align: justify.
3 Select the text you have typed and copy it. Click on Empty area and paste and set the suitable background color.
4 Type the following equation:
(a + b)2 =a2 +2ab + b2

Format main Menu

From this submenu, we can change font style, font size, character, spacing, underline, superscript, text animation etc.
Ø Select the text
Ø Click on format menu
Ø Choose font options
Ø And choose required fonts options
Ø Click on ok
4.2. Paragraph:
This submenu is used to change the paragraph index line, spacing, alignment and other format of the selected paragraph.
Ø Select paragraph
Ø Click on format menu
Ø Choose the desire paragraph format
Ø Click on Ok

4.3. Bullet and Numbering
This submenu is used to add bullet and numbering in our selected text.
ØSelect the text
ØClick on format menu
ØClick on bullet and numbering
Ø Choose bullet and numbering style
ØClick on ok
4.4. Border and Shading
We use this submenu to add border and shading in our document or selected paragraph.
Ø Select the paragraph
Ø Click on format menu
Ø Click on border and shading
Ø If you want to give border for only text, click on border and choose any one
Ø Border style , color and width
Ø Click on ok

4.4.1. To delete border
Ø Select the border
Ø Click on format menu
Ø Click on border and shading
Ø Click on none
Ø Click on ok
4.5. Text Direction
Rotates selected text in table cells so you can read it from bottom to top from top to bottom.
Ø Type Some Text on Table
Ø Select the text
Ø Click on Layout
Ø Click on text direction
Ø Click on ok

4.6. Change Case
This command is used to change the selected text in nay five cases.
Ø Select the text
Ø Click on format menu
Ø Click on change case
Ø Choose any case
Ø Chick on ok

Do the following test.

1. Open the Microsoft word using the /Run/ command.
2. Exit from the program using the / Exit Word/ command in the /office button/.
3. Type some texts on page and save it as /D:/ letter.doc./.
4. Now, close the document using the short cut Keys.