To add a subemenu to the start menu
you must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrator group in order to complete to a net work policy settings may also prevent you from complete this procedure.
1. Right- click the/start button/ ,and then click /Open all Users/.
it displays winnows like below.
2. Double- click the folder in which you want to add a submenu, usually the/ Programs/ folder.
3. On the/file/ menu, point to/New /, and then click/ folder/.
4. type a name for the new submenu, and then press/ ENTER/.
Adding Program / file shortcut to start menu
1. Search your file or program.
2. click the icon for the program you want to add, drag it to the start button, then to the submenu you added, and then droo the items.
Removing Program/ file shortcut from the start menu
1. in the progrems or submenu of the start menu, you need to right click on a program or file to be removed.
2. click on the/ delete/.
3. click on Delete shortcut/.
Working With Taskbar
The bar that contains the start button and appears by default at the botton of the desktop. you can click the tasbar buttons to Switch between programs. You can also hide the taskbar, Move it to the sides or top of the desktop, and customize it in other ways.
Google Ragerank Explaination
15 years ago
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