Newsgroups are discussion groups that focus on a particular topic such as politics, computer, health etc. the interested people on the particular field write the information or articles. Then these articles to newsgroups, so that other people can read them. To see and send articles to newsgroups, newsreader software such as Microsoft Outlook Express or Netscape News is used.
Telnet is a program that allows the user to log into a remote computer on the internet as a user on that system. With Telnet, a user can log into a service to access information stored on it. However, only those users that have been allowed to access by the organizations can log into the servers. It allows the user to log in to a remote computer in such a way that a person may use it as if it is being used locally.
File transfer protocol (FTP)
File transfer protocol is the internet tool that allows the user to transfer the file of one computer to another computer. FTP will allow the user to upload and download the files from a remote computer know as FTP service can be used through DOS prompt, browsers and other GUI based FTP software.
Internet Relay chat (IRC)
Internet Relay chat or simply chat is one of the important services provided by the internet. Chat programs allow the users to communicate with each other in real time. Real time communication means communicate with each with different users in the immediate present. Unlike e-mail, chat does not require a waiting period between the time you send a message and the time the other user receives the massage. The user can read, reply or ignore the massage according to his/ her wish. Chat room is also a popular addition to web sites. The user can participate directly in chat session using the browser software without using special chat software.
Internet Telephony
Internet telephony is one the cheapest and reliable services provided by the internet. It is a system that allows the user to make telephone communication or voice communication through the internet. It requires some additional software such as Cool talk, Net meeting and hardware such as headphone, microphone, etc.
Google Ragerank Explaination
15 years ago
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