To change the number of mouse click required to open items
1.Follow / Start/ >/ Setting/> / Control Panel/ and Open/ Folders Options/ in/ control Panel/.
2.On the / General/ tab, Under/ Click items as Follows/, click the option you want
Note: if you click/ Single- click to open an item ( Point to Select)./, you can also Specify when ican titles are underline. To change Folder options Setting, open/ Folder option/ from a Folder Window, clik / Toois/, and than click/ Folder opion/.
Working with Start menu
Clicking Start displays a menu that lests you easily access the most uesful items on your computer. the list of programs displayed above the separator line ( also know as the pinned items list) and the programs displayed below the separator line ( also known as the most Frequently used Programs list). the program on the pinned items list remain there. there and are always available for you to click to start them. You can add programs to the pinned items list. programs are added to the most frequently used programs list When you use them. Windows has a default number of programs that are displayed on the most frequently used program list .
To change the Start menu style
1. Right-click the /start/ button and then click/ Propertice/.
2.On the /start Manu/tab, click one of the following option:
a. To select the default start manu, click/start manu/.
b. To select the style from an earlier version of Windows, click/ classic Start menu/.
Note: the next time you click start, the start manu displays the new style.
To display a Program at the top of the start manu
this fauture is not available in /classic Style/ of the start manu.
1. Right -click the program you want to display at the top of the start manu.
2. You can right -click a program on the /start manu/, Windows Explorer/, in/ My computer/, or on the / Disktop/.
3. click / pin to start menu/.
the programs is displayed in the pinned items list in the area above the separator line on the start manu.
Note: you can remov the programs from the pinned items list by right -clicking the program and then clicking/Unpin from start manu/.you can change the order of the progrems on the pinned items list by dragging a program to a new position. you cannot pin or upen items using the classic start menu.
Google Ragerank Explaination
15 years ago
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