If you are experiencing problems with your computer, you can use the system Restore Feature to return your computer to a time before the problems occurred. For example, if your computer dose not works properly after you install a program, you can restore your computer to a time before you installed the program.
To restore your computer
To restore your computer, follow the procedures mentioned below:
1. Click start to display the start menu.
2. Click programs to view a list of the programs on your computer.
3. Follow Accessories> System tools> system Restore. the system Restore wizard appears as shown in figure below.
4. The area displayed in above dialog box provides information about the system restore feature. Click" Restore my computer to an earlier time" option to restore your computer to a time before any problems occur.
5. Click Next to continue which will depict you following dialog box.
6. Now follow the rest of the instructions as you go through subsequent dialog boxes.
Google Ragerank Explaination
15 years ago
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