Show the click
" show the clock" option displays a digital clock on the taskbar. the clock displays the time as specified by your computer's internet click. you can point to the clock to display the date, and you can also double- click the clock to adjust the time or date.
Hide inactive icons
Keeps the taskbar notificaion area from displaying unused icons.
Scheduling Tasks
You can schedule tasks to have Windows automatically run specific program, such as Disk cleanup, on a regular basic. Before scheduling a task,you must assingword toyour user accout. to have Windows run a program automatically, you will need to enter the password when scheduling the task.
To schedule a new task
To schedule a new task, you need to do the following:
1. Open Schedule a new tasks by click / start/> /Programs/>/ Accessories/>/ system Tools/>/
2. Double -click/ Add scheduled task/.
3.Click on / Next / button.
4. Select a program from the/ Application / list or you can use the/ Browes/ button to select your personal file or othor program. on /Next/ button and continus selecting the schedule Date and time.
6. Finally click on the /finish / dutton.
Note: Confirm that the system date and time on your computer are accurate, because Scheduled tasks relis on this information to run Scheduled tasks. you must supply the password for the account on which you want the scheduled task to run.
Google Ragerank Explaination
15 years ago
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