Cyber law
The term “cyberspace” was used in 1984 by author William Gibson in his scientific novel ‘Necromancer’ to describe virtual world of computer such as the internet, computers, computer network, telecommunication etc. today, cyberspace has become synonymous with the internet, however, cyberspace is know as the www (world wide web). The cyberspace is governed by a system of law and regulation called cyber law. So, the cyber law is defined as: “The law which governs the legal issued in the cyberspace regarding the internet or www (world wide web) for digital data processing and transaction.
Legal recognition of e-commerce practices has come a long way from the initial adoption of the united Nations commission on international Trade law (UNCIRAL) Model law on Electronic commerce by the General Assembly of the united Nations in early 1997.
Cyber law includes a wide variety of legal issues related to the use of communication technology, such as the use of internet as well as any other from of computer, digital processing and related devices. The major components included in the cyber law are:
1. Electronic and Digital signature law
2. Computer crime/cyber crime law
3. Intellectual property law
4. Data protection and privacy law
5. Telecommunication law
The term “cyberspace” was used in 1984 by author William Gibson in his scientific novel ‘Necromancer’ to describe virtual world of computer such as the internet, computers, computer network, telecommunication etc. today, cyberspace has become synonymous with the internet, however, cyberspace is know as the www (world wide web). The cyberspace is governed by a system of law and regulation called cyber law. So, the cyber law is defined as: “The law which governs the legal issued in the cyberspace regarding the internet or www (world wide web) for digital data processing and transaction.
Legal recognition of e-commerce practices has come a long way from the initial adoption of the united Nations commission on international Trade law (UNCIRAL) Model law on Electronic commerce by the General Assembly of the united Nations in early 1997.
Cyber law includes a wide variety of legal issues related to the use of communication technology, such as the use of internet as well as any other from of computer, digital processing and related devices. The major components included in the cyber law are:
1. Electronic and Digital signature law
2. Computer crime/cyber crime law
3. Intellectual property law
4. Data protection and privacy law
5. Telecommunication law
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